21 June 2010


Was watching a TV program from Japan called TV Champion. The challenge for this episode was Origami. And it was B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!
And YES, Japanese are brilliant!!

made by the runner-up

made by the WINNER!!

From my opinion, i like the runner-up better. Coz it's more simple, yet sophisticated. xP
But both are, with no doubt, wonderful. Congrats Japan, you got smart art people!! :)

3 thoughts:

aditya.utami said...

Anitaaa.....aku bisa comment ^^
FINALLY!!! hihihi~

Well,, I hope I can make that complicated origami!!! hehehe

Anita Dradjat said...

What's wrong with all this comment stuff?? errrr... -.-'

aditya.utami said...

let me try to comment ur blog again